50 Affirmations for Love

love pink postcards and artwork

Photo by Liza Duymelinck on Dupe

Love is an important part of life, but it is also something a lot of us have a complicated relationship with. Our mindset plays an important role in how we act and how we experience love in our lives - both with ourselves and with others. Whether you’re seeking romantic love, healing from past heartbreak, want to improve your self-love, or are working to strengthen a relationship, here are 50 affirmations to improve your mindset.

Affirmations are a simple yet powerful way to rewire our thoughts and open ourselves to love in all its forms. When we repeat positive beliefs, we begin to shift our subconscious beliefs away from fear, self-doubt, and scarcity, and move them towards more positive ideas like self-worth, trust, and abundance. No matter where you are on your journey, these affirmations will serve as reminders that love is always available to you and that you are deeply worthy of receiving it.

Affirmations for Attracting Love

  1. I am worthy of deep, healthy, and unconditional love.

  2. Love flows to me effortlessly and abundantly.

  3. I attract loving, kind, and supportive relationships.

  4. I am open to receiving love in all forms.

  5. My heart is open, and I am ready for love.

  6. I trust that love is coming to me at the perfect time.

  7. I am a magnet for a love that aligns with my highest good.

  8. I radiate love, and it returns to me in beautiful ways.

  9. I deserve a love that feels safe, nurturing, and true.

  10. The more I love myself, the more love I attract.

sunset photo hands creating shape of love heart

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

Affirmations for Self-Love

woman with hands over her heart expressing self-love

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

  1. I am enough just as I am.

  2. I choose to love and accept myself fully.

  3. I treat myself with kindness and compassion every day.

  4. My love for myself is unconditional.

  5. I deserve my own love and care.

  6. I am worthy of my own time, energy, and attention.

  7. I release the need for perfection; I am beautifully whole.

  8. I honor my needs and prioritize my well-being.

  9. My self-worth is not dependent on anyone’s love or approval.

  10. I speak to myself with love and encouragement.

Affirmations for Strengthening a Relationship

  1. My relationship is built on love, trust, and mutual respect.

  2. I choose to see the best in my partner and myself.

  3. Love grows stronger when nurtured with kindness and understanding.

  4. I communicate openly and honestly in my relationship.

  5. I create space for deep connection and intimacy.

  6. I choose love over fear in my relationship.

  7. My partner and I support each other’s growth and happiness.

  8. I give and receive love freely and joyfully.

  9. Every challenge is an opportunity to strengthen our bond.

  10. I am grateful for the love I share with my partner.

romantic photo couple in love with candles and city skyline

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Affirmations for Healing from Heartbreak

  1. I am healing, growing, and becoming stronger every day.

  2. I release the past and open my heart to new love.

  3. I am whole and complete on my own.

  4. Love is not lost; it simply transforms in new ways.

  5. I trust that the right love is on its way to me.

  6. I deserve a love that aligns with my worth.

  7. I allow myself to feel, heal, and move forward with grace.

  8. I release attachment to those who are not meant for me.

  9. I choose to focus on the love that remains in my life.

  10. My heart is resilient, and I will love again.

Affirmations for Unconditional Love

two women hugging on beach, love heart shaped hole in sand, friendship

Photo by Sierra White on Dupe

  1. I love and accept others as they are.

  2. Love is infinite, and I am always connected to it.

  3. I give and receive love without fear or conditions.

  4. My love is a powerful force that creates joy and peace.

  5. I see love in the little moments of everyday life.

  6. I trust that love is always present, even when I don’t see it.

  7. Love is my natural state of being.

  8. I extend love and kindness to everyone I meet.

  9. The more love I give, the more love I receive.

  10. Love is always within me, around me, and guiding me.


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